a collage of a family with two children and a fairy carrying fire in her hands


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Man, in order to exist and develop, must renew his needs and wants. And this renewal represents a need for new knowledge. All people naturally strive for knowledge, because this is how they ensure their existence and development. Since ancient times, the main symbol of knowledge is the fire. It is after its discovery that social relations and connections develop and are created the family and human society, the path to development is revealed and flourishing of art and science.

Art is part of the culture of a nation

Art is part of a nation's culture. And culture is a way to overcome that innate wildness that runs in everyone's veins. It is an expression of a different way of thinking that does not fit into today's world. When a nation begins to appreciate and adopt the culture, customs and traditions of another nation, the latter has already begun to conquer the world in the purest possible way. When a nation develops its culture in all its aspects - music, dance, image, literature, this culture will never fade away and will leave a mark in time. The first step is to become aware of and love the culture of our own people. There's nothing better than knowing that being cultured isn't just about upbringing and education.

There are many different peoples and cultures in the world, each with its own characteristics, values and different styles of music and customs, clothing and different means of expression. However, this should not divide people. On the contrary. By touching the culture of another people, we enrich ourselves. And when we present our culture to other groups and societies, we enrich their peace and preserve a piece of ourselves. Let's preserve the Bulgarian culture and conquer the world!

Looking to the past - forward to the future

"...our first concern is to turn the eyes of our youth to everything valuable and bright from our past and to associate her with this past, so that she may draw from it cheerfulness and confidence, strength and impulse to activity and creativity. Our youth must know that life is only valuable when it is inspired by idealism, by aspiration; only then is life meaningful and meaningful, when it is overwhelmed by idealism, when souls and hearts flutter for the beautiful, the national, the ideal..."

 Stoyan Omarcevski, Minister of Public Education, 1922

For humanity to exist and live in peace and HARMONY, ORDER is needed. Times change, so do manners. Not all customs and rituals of the past are practiced today. Some have been forgotten, others have changed over time because they are not up-to-date, others have been proven to be more harmful and are therefore not applied. But there is basic, cosmic laws, which if not observed, chaos ensues - in the individual and in the whole society. What is above (in the sky, in space), is also below (on earth). In the old Bulgarian traditions, we find that cosmic order, that hierarchy that has helped us survive over the centuries. There is a time for work and a time for rest, a time for fasting and a time for bliss. And everything arranged so that it is harmonious with nature and the human soul.

We find the first hierarchy in the FAMILY. Depending on gender and age, an individual is allowed and forbidden different things over time. The more the child grows, the more rights, but also obligations he has - to himself, to his family and kindred, to society. Men and women are relatively equal in Bulgarian society, but each has its own specific role. From the family comes the original order that does not waver. Therefore, the family as a form should not be lightly disregarded, because it is a living thing that jealously guards its status quo. Without order, the family is not possible, and hence it is not possible to continue the Kindred, the People, the Humanity.

© 2023 Iliana Dechkova

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