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Seven classic female skills

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It is a well-known maxim that women are from Venus, not Mars. They see the world in a way, sometimes very different from men. They even love differently. And although the concept of "women's work" has long been considered outdated and almost offensive, there are still some skills that are typically female or that women beat men.

  1. The woman weaves on several looms... or fights on several fronts

It has long been proven that the average woman is multitasking on a daily basis. She is busy with a job, sometimes two, family, personal interests, friends, social commitments, etc. At first glance, it seems easy, but it is not at all. Yes, men also have jobs, social contacts, hobbies and friends. But even today, in the modern world, it is the woman who mainly takes care of the children. She is the person who bakes cookies for the school function while she cooks or does laundry; she's in the parenting asset and she usually goes to parenting meetings… especially if there's no praise to be had. This same woman finds time to go out with a friend and listen to yet another personal drama (having previously heard the same from her teenage daughter). Such a woman finds time to visit a beautician and hairdresser because she is expected to look… come on, let it not be stunning, but at least decent. And before any man apostrophizes - please, gentlemen, it is much easier for you to maintain a neat appearance, there is no need to lie. Taking care of the children has also developed another skill in the woman - her peripheral vision is more developed. Precisely because she is expected to keep a watchful eye on the snapping child (and to react instantly in case of danger) while listening to her friend with interest. The man, on the other hand, is likely to cut himself shaving if he tries to listen to his wife while she is talking to him.

  1. A woman is mentally stronger

As strange and contradictory as this may sound, it turns out that in times of crisis women are more emotionally and mentally resilient. Maybe because society has put them in the "weaker sex" column, and they don't focus on meeting someone's expectations, but instead focus on managing the crisis. Take for example a financial collapse in the family. It is generally believed that the man is the head of the family and the main source of finances; the expectations are that he mainly provides for his wife and children. And in times of crisis, this same man breaks down mentally. First, out of fear that it will not meet the social requirements, and then, because often in such moments the family sinks even more. And somehow unconsciously, the man directs all his potential in these thoughts, while the woman, unburdened by expectations, shows how flexible and inventive she is. And here we come to the third quality.


  1. Women are more inventive

A real woman can do anything: from eyeballs to a monkey's man… we've all come across this slogan on social media. And in fact it is exactly so. Men are more straightforward, while ladies prove to be flexible, inventive and adaptable. No matter if they have to save the family from a crisis and cook dinner from nothing or clean up a scandal - again for nothing. This ability is due in part to the way the female brain works purely biologically. In men, either the left or the right hemisphere functions at the same time, while in ladies both hemispheres work simultaneously. That's why we women sometimes think for a second before we say which way is left.

  1. Women have a higher pain threshold

This statement is rather individual, but in general, men feel physical pain more strongly. According to a study by Prof. Geoffrey Mojill from McGill University in Canada, men have clearer memories of past pain compared to women. This is also the reason why they experience the recurrence of this pain in the same place much more strongly. Let's not forget how high the pain threshold is during childbirth - a process in which men do not participate. However, the general opinion is that it is the gentlemen who are more durable. This has forced itself into society because men are expected to be 'tougher'. Therefore, they complain less and try to endure more pain before showing that they are in pain.

  1. Women have better memories

I'm sorry, gentlemen, but this is scientifically proven. This mainly applies to remembering details and details. Of course, this also depends on the individual. Perhaps the strong memory is due to the fact, or rather, the ability of women to do several things at the same time. This is how they train their brains, because they have to remember sometimes two or three things, radically different in subject matter.

  1. Female bosses are more empathetic

Today, we see more and more women in leadership positions. And it turns out that they are quite good at it. And accordingly, it reflects well on the team. The female boss seems to be more oriented towards the team she leads and more sociable. Whereas a man in her place would demonstrate more dominant behavior. When someone in the team is not feeling well, the female leader instinctively tries to find the effect of balance. Female managers were also found to have stronger self-esteem. Is it because for centuries women were kept in the back row, but today's lady leaders question their own behavior and qualities much more often than men in the same position. Let's not forget that self-criticism is a good thing, as long as we don't go to the level of underestimation - something that is also more characteristic of ladies. But especially for leadership, a manager's behavior depends mostly on how well he knows himself, not so much whether he is male or female.

  1. Women eat healthier

I don't know why, but ladies are more inclined or more interested in eating healthier than gentlemen. According to various studies, men much more often reach for semi-prepared foods, prefer red meats and often the amount of food consumed is greater. Back to the ladies who will emphasize salad and fruit. Well, we women often give in to chocolate temptations, but in general we eat healthier. Probably because we are expected to be subtle and beautiful… and of course, healthy.

© 2023 Iliana Dechkova






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