Legend of Baba Marta

Old legends say that the months of the year were living beings. Baba Marta was the sister of Golyam Sechko (January) and Little Sechko (February). The brothers drank the wine every year and didn't leave it to her, that's why Grandma Marta is still hot and sour. That's why people keep trying to appease her, because her mood influenced...

Legends of the Martenitsa

Legend of the martenitsa – 1 One of the legends about the origin of the martenitsa is related to Khan Asparuh and the creation of the Bulgarian state beyond the Danube. According to legends, when the Bulgarians reached the Danube plain, fascinated by the place, they decided to settle right here. The chief announced the newly created state and, as is his turn, decided to make a sacrifice...

Symbolism of the Martenitsa

The first martens, with which people fastened themselves and cattle, were only made of red woolen thread. It was a kind of amulet that protected against all kinds of evils and brought health, fertility and luck. In later times, people also twisted white, again from wool, into the red thread. In addition to wool, to make martenitsa you can ...