What is a social network According to Wikipedia, a social network in sociology is a social structure of participants, individuals or organizations, connected by dyadic ties and other social relations (friendship, kinship ties, ideology, traditions, financial relations, etc.) specific to the participants in the given network . Today, a social network is a space on the Internet where we connect with relatives, friends, colleagues...

Let's create the future

In the 21st century, humanity faces some of its most daunting challenges. Our best resource turns out to be the opportunity to cultivate our unique abilities and imagination. To be creative and innovative. The greatest danger is facing the future without having invested in it. But to navigate the complex environment of the future, we must not...

Full use of students' free time

Also published in BG NAUKA 1. Nature and features of extracurricular activities The human being was created to live in society, in social groups. The relationships between individuals are extremely important for the biological and social survival of the human individual. And they are based on humanity. Humanity is a long process that is cultivated from the earliest childhood. …