drawing of money in wallet, banknotes and coins

How we spend our money

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Your financial standing is important

We live in a society where money is the main driver. Therefore, how we handle them also affects the opinion of others about us. And this is not about your friends, but about the entire financial world. A good credit score opens more doors. You may use credit frequently... or you may not. You use expensive packages of mobile operators or you are on a minimum tariff. It does not matter. What is important for society and institutions is whether you pay regularly. If you are a regular payer, every new offer: for credit, TV tariff plan, etc. will be more and more profitable for you. And vice versa. If you do not know how to pay yourself on time, in addition to having your phone stopped, at a vital moment the bank will not grant you the much-needed loan. Simply because he won't trust you.

Spend to get rich 

At first glance, it sounds crazy. "How can I spend when I have nothing?" On the contrary, you have. Ruin does not come from how much we spend, but what we spend for. The truth is that most people know very well how to earn. Their problems come when they don't know how to spend properly.

To follow money is to be mindful of its quantity. First, try to get some order in your priorities. Make a list of what is important to you. Only then do you have a chance to get your finances in order. Expenses cannot exceed your income. If you are planning a wedding or vacation, it is much more correct to fit into the budget you have. Instead, many people are drowning in debt. For a few moments of happiness, they burden themselves with paying for tens of years. That's stupid.

Being rich is often mostly a matter of desire

Become rich. Ask for it, it's easy. Imagine what it's like to be rich, how you feel, how you look, how you feel. Write it down. Realize that wealth does not always have a material measure. Being healthy and happy is also wealth. Very valuable, which not everyone has. Learn to focus on what you have and not only on what you don't have. Enjoy even the smallest successes.

Buy assets. But don't interpret the asset as described in accounting textbooks. Anything that doesn't bring you income is a liability, not an asset. Spend on things with future value. Stop eating out regularly. If your last year's smartphone works great, don't buy a new model just because it's there. Don't act like a millionaire if you have thousands. As long as you try to appear rich in the eyes of others, at some point you will end up in the "broke" column. So better make an effort to become rich instead of just looking rich. Start investing in knowledge. Education is not an expense, but an investment, and it will surely pay off. Believe it.

The WHY is more important than the HOW

It is a fundamental mistake to start the first step with "HOW" to get rich. Better ask yourself the question "WHY" you want to be rich. The answers can be many. Because you want to travel, because you deserve it, because you want to provide for your children... When you figure out why you want to be rich, just act.

Action One - Be aware of where you stand in terms of your finances. Calculate to the penny who and what you owe. Monthly expenses, loans from friends, loans from banks, unpaid taxes… everything. Then calculate what you have available: this is cash, bank balances, savings, loans that you have taken out, house rents... Do not include in this list the money from your regular monthly income.

The bill is simple. Your monthly income minus your monthly expenses equals your financial situation. If, after this simple calculation, you find that the money you spend is more than what you earn, then your downfall is certain. Because it turns out that you either don't pay your bills and go into debt or you live on credit... which is the same thing.

If you've fallen into a hole, you won't get out if you start digging. It's the same with money. And here everyone would ask themselves - which is more important? Spend less or earn more? The correct answer is both. Together. Start spending on the essentials: shelter, food and bills. With the balance, start paying off your debts, if you have any. Keep records of every penny spent. Thus, in one moment, you will easily sift out the excess waste. Free yourself from the convenience of credit cards. At least for a while. Only people who are able to pay off the card immediately can use this convenience.

To get you have to give

The more you give, the more you get. No matter what it's about. And giving often means giving something up. If you quit smoking, you will get more health. If you work harder, your boss will give you a promotion. If you let go of the reasons that are ruining you, you will progress.

No one says you have to live like an animal. You don't need to give up cable TV entirely, but you can reduce the number of channels and therefore the price. Get rid of the expensive car and buy one that requires less maintenance. Stop entertainment or at least dilute it to a minimum. Instead of dinner at an expensive restaurant, you can go out for pizza and beer with friends. After all, it's not the place that's important, but the company, isn't it? And instead of paying for an expensive manicure, you can at least temporarily polish yourself at home. Make a list and take action.

Once you decide what you can give up, the next step is how to earn more money. It is to earn, not to do. And if that means a second job, don't take it negatively. That doesn't mean you won't have a personal life. It means you'll have a life where you don't have to worry about bills between paychecks. Also forget that "this job" is below your level. No bad job. If you have bills to pay, you should be ready for any job - selling shoes, babysitting, delivering newspapers... Any job is honorable. Because if you're not willing to do what it takes, then you don't deserve to progress.

Small tricks for profit

Sometimes you need to change some seemingly small habits to radically change the situation. Many people don't even notice a penny dropped on the street or just pass it by. That `s a mistake. Next time, just bend over and pick it up. Then put it in a piggy bank or just in a jar. Repeat to yourself, money always comes to you. At some point, you'll be surprised that the penny jar is full. Yes, you probably won't have enough for a vacation or even a new suit. But you'll still have that money.

Wear cash and avoid paying by credit card. That way, if you run out of money at the checkout, you'll return some things, no matter how embarrassed you are. And the card will just accumulate another debt. When you pay in cash, you get change back. Even if you love to leave a tip, refrain from tipping while you're in "get rich" mode. Just put the change in the same jar with the found pennies. So at some point you will have money set aside to pay an unexpected bill or just buy something.

Learn to shopping with a list. Otherwise, you risk leaving the supermarket with a lot of unnecessary things and with a lot of money spent. And stop buying in bulk. This way you only close money that you can spend on something else or just save. You don't have to buy a whole stack of oil, even if it's cheaper if you only need two bottles.

Self-control is required

There are only three types of people who don't make it: the stupid, the lazy, and the ones who don't care. You decide whether you fall into one of the groups. Those who have no money and are not happy with this fact are the same ones who refuse to take responsibility for it. Because it's easier for them to blame everything else - the circumstances, the boss, the children or even God.

If you can't control your money, it's very likely that you can't control other things in your life. Look around. Are you in control of your diet? Or are you already overweight? And your home, is it clean? Can you keep it up? At first glance, these things have nothing in common. But all of them are related to one quality - self-discipline. When one possesses it, it works in every aspect of one's life. And vice versa - if there is none, it is missing in more than one unit.

To have something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done. If you expect to just have money, not earn it, then this book is not for you. To receive, you must first give. Remember that the world is made up of people who WILL and people who WON'T… , not by haves and have-nots. And be thankful for even the least you have.

© 2023 Iliana Dechkova


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