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Broke or poor - the difference is big

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Being broke is not the same as being poor

Life is a reflection of the choices you make. And this also applies to the way you handle money. If you want a better life, make better choices. When success starts to run away from you, in addition to thinking positively, you must also act.

Being broke is not the same as being poor. There is a difference between poor people and those who are not doing well financially. Ruin comes when you spend more than you earn. Crisis and penury do not appear overnight and do not sneak into your home. They happen gradually because of the way you spend your money. So first of all, when you have already fallen into a financial collapse, stop seeing yourself as a victim.

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Lack of money is often justified in many different ways. The most common excuse is that the environment you grew up in was inappropriate. But almost no one has money as a result of their background. Rarely are those who inherit a huge fortune. Most people have earned their fortune. The fact is that many millionaires were actually born poor. In the end, it doesn't matter who started how, what matters is the end result. The fact is that there are many people who work hard but are not rich. It happens because hard work alone is not enough. It starts with it, but after that you have to do whatever it takes to succeed.

Getting a handle on your bills doesn't require sophisticated math. Nor is it the credit companies' fault that you are in debt. Because the decision to use them is yours alone, no one is forcing you. And the fault is not at all in life circumstances that you cannot control. Anyone can go broke, things like that happen. The real problem comes when this becomes a long-term trend.

When store prices become unaffordable, people tend to blame inflation, the government… but not themselves. And the reason is that they just don't earn enough. "But that's because my job is low paying!" - some say. Well, change your job. If it turns out that you do not have enough skills - acquire them. And win. It's hard, but not impossible. Out of the comfort zone

Money is often associated with wealth. But most people don't really want to be rich. They just want to feel comfortable. This means that they are neither bad nor wonderful. And this is where the problem lies. When a person is comfortable, they don't feel bad enough to change. At the same time, he doesn't feel good enough and doesn't really enjoy life. And they are practically doomed to move in this vicious circle. People tend to make changes in their lives only when they feel uncomfortable.

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Often people say that money is not important. And maybe they don't realize or don't want to accept that it's just the opposite. Money is important. For many things. As harsh as it sounds, money determines many things in a person's life. What neighborhood will a person grow up in, what clothes and car will he have, what school will he study in, what kind of environment will he move in. They determine whether he will have a good education and a good doctor. And finally, this same money determines even the size of the tombstone. This all sounds terribly unfair. But that's the reality. That's how life is. So never say that money is not important.

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Money is important. But they won't bring you everything. Because money cannot bring happiness. A person is either happy or not. Money cannot buy you friends, at least not real and faithful ones. Some problems and worries cannot be solved with money. And sometimes having a lot of money leads to worries. Money is no guarantee that you will pay your bills on time or that you will become more generous. They cannot guarantee you a good marriage either, although their lack is one of the main problems in many marriages. And it's not money that would make you successful or a better person.

So why are they so important? The answer is simple - they amplify everything that they do not directly bring you. We've all heard that money corrupts people. This is absolutely false. Money does not spoil, it only shows what a person really is. If a person is good and generous when he has little money, he will be even better and generous when he has more. In practice, money gives financial security, a little more freedom and a little peace of mind. Nothing else. But if you think about all the things that money won't give you in these three things. that they bring you, you will convince yourself that they are worth having.

© 2023 Iliana Dechkova


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