The needs of children with disabilities and their place in society

author: Penka Yaneva It is a fact that children with disabilities have more specific needs than others. Needs affecting both the family and the whole society. In today's society, the question of where these children belong is still controversial. When the time comes for these children to attend kindergarten or school, the question arises of how to overcome their specific ...

Attitude towards children with disabilities in the past

author: Penka Yaneva Injuries and disabilities have existed among humanity since its dawn. In different eras, they were evaluated ambiguously. Bulgaria in the past We can judge society's attitude towards children and people with disabilities in the distant past mainly from our native folklore. In general, people have been relatively understanding. And certainly…

A child with a disability - the terrible reality

author: Penka Yaneva Learning about the child's diagnosis, parents experience very strong negative emotions. The emotional experiences of parents go through different stages. It starts with the question "why did it happen to us?", searching for answers, going back to the past, memories of actions or genetic burden. The initial shock that comes with the news that their child is disabled is…

Attitude towards children with disabilities today in our country and around the world

author: Penka Yaneva In some European countries, when a child with a disability is born, sufficient information and support is not provided, life-saving treatment is not provided by the state, and the parents are forced to find a way to pay for it themselves. This is done in order to convince parents to leave their child in an institution, as the best...

The absurdities of a society

From how the world lights up, absurdities in people's lives are a daily occurrence. The more civilized a society becomes, the more non-bivalical things happen. And it is assumed that with time we become more cultured, more human, wiser. Absurdities in Bulgaria are well known. Between people, between institutions... We live in a civilized world, or so it is supposed to. A world where unclear clauses in…


"Enough sleep already." Get up! Christmas Day has come..." - Petko Slaveikov 1886 November 1 is celebrated as the Day of the People's Alarm Clocks. The holiday is dedicated to the work of writers, educators, fighters for national liberation and all those who have preserved the spiritual values of the people over the centuries. Bulgaria is now free. From intelligence to...


From "Once upon a time - manners and worldview of the Bulgarians", 30 years after the liberation and 23 years after the unification, on September 22, 1908, Bulgaria declared its independence. The act was announced with a special manifesto in the old capital, and Prince Ferdinand assumed the title of Tsar of Bulgaria. A prayer for prosperity was served...

Seven classic female skills

It is a well-known maxim that women are from Venus, not Mars. They see the world in a way, sometimes very different from men. They even love differently. And although the concept of "women's work" has long been considered outdated and almost offensive, there are still some skills that are typically female or that women beat men. …

CONNECTION – September 6th

Из „Имало едно време – нрави и светоглед на българите“ След като България е жестоко разцепена след Берлинския договор, народът не може да се примири, че така очакваната свобода не е факт за всички. На 6 септември 1885 г. Княжество България и Източна Румелия заявяват на света, че България е единна държава. Съединението се осъществява …

Family hierarchy and the friendship trap

author: Lilia Boneva FB page: Blessed by the root One of the biggest traps is friendship: * between parents and children * between partners in marriage * between relatives There is NO friendship in the family - there is order and hierarchy. Friendship does not require responsibilities and is a completely different type of relationship. Every single individual in the lineage system is on…